Get a FREE Online Well Drilling Estimate
Well Drilling Cost for Gulf Islands
Local Well Drilling Services for Pender Islands, Gabriola Island,
Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island & Salt Spring Island
Well Drilling Cost for Gulf Islands
Local Well Drilling Services for Pender Islands, Gabriola Island,
Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island & Salt Spring Island
Gulf Islands Well Drilling Services
Request a local estimate for Well Drilling Gulf Islands. We offer all Gulf Island property owners full access to the current local Well Drilling costs for the Gulf Islands. We lay-down-the-facts and quickly provide affordable well drilling estimates for Gulf Island property owners. When submitting an online request for the cost to drill a well, your information will help us generate a detailed well drilling quote. Upload any reports such as old well logs or property that you might have available. If information is limited, no problem! We can deliver a standard well drilling cost quote based on the local Gulf Island data that we have available. Thank you for your request, we'll get back to you shortly! Please submit your information, we respond quickly. All information is kept private, your information allows us to prepare detailed estimates for the cost to drill a well on any of the Gulf Islands.
Complete Well Drilling Services for Pender Islands, Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island & Salt Spring Island. |
Gulf Islands Well Drilling
Well Drilling Gulf Islands provides professional water well services all the islands including Pender Islands, Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island & Salt Spring Island. We take pride in serving the needs of the Gulf Islands families. All water well services are completed to our exceptional well drilling construction standards. Drilled water wells on the Gulf Islands are vital and an important part of every-day-life for hundreds of island residents, including hobby farms, and local businesses who depend on groundwater resources to sustain local water needs. The Gulf Islands real estate values may even be affected by the lack of a sufficient water supply, understandably, if you've ever experienced hauling water to maintain the basic water needs of a property throughout the hot summer months. Many property owners are familiar with the hassle of managing a water storage tank to service their property, the lack-of-water generally indicates ongoing water-restrictions and the frequent cost of a water delivery service on the Gulf Islands Purchasers may not willing to purchase property on the Gulf Islands without an adequate water source, bank or other lender’s tend to be unwilling to mortgage real estate in British Columbia without a stable year-round water supply. The Gulf Island well drillers depend on a broad-scope of specialized local well drilling information along with experience drilling in the sub-surface and extensive variety of geological environments to develop groundwater resources for island residents We know it's important to manage the cost to drill on the Gulf Islands, we appreciate that water well drilling is a significant expense. The island well drillers pursue the best possible clean-water source likely to be located on your island property, while there’s never a guarantee of water everyone is focused on doing their best! Quality water systems on the Gulf Islands are greatly appreciated by the local property owners, the importance of a good water well cannot be understated, they are vital for the islands to thrive. We focus on drilling water wells that endure the test-of-time by using quality well construction materials & highly skilled workmanship. Well Drilling Gulf Islands - We focus on locating water on the islands and will make recommendations before we drill. We do all that we can to avoid dry-hole drilling including the costly & often unwarranted process of hydro-fracturing our drilled wells. Additional add-ons obviously increase the well drilling cost but our goal is to keep all the extra’s to an absolute minimum! Gulf Island Well Drillers We're completely transparent with all well drilling costs on Salt Spring, we refrain from well drilling practices that may not be in the best interest of our clients, while the financial well-being of a well drilling company is dependent on profits we do not put profits ahead of integrity! If you're planning to drill a well on one of the Gulf Islands, we would like the opportunity to provide you with a FREE online estimate! Gulf Island Well Drilling Costs Plenty of well drilling experience is required to successfully complete premium water systems on the islands. Possibly, more important than the drilling of a well is the water-well-development process. Excellent water well development is not only vital for wells to stand the test of time but it can also reduce the Gulf Islands Well Drilling Costs. Avoiding excessive deep drilling is important, we make every effort to eliminate as many water well issues as possible. Deep-holing increases the overall well drilling cost on the Gulf Islands. Remember, the well drilling cost is primarily charged by the foot. Deep-holing will also increase the chance of hitting salt water in many areas. We take pride in our well drilling practices and make every effort to maintain maintain affordable well drilling costs on the Gulf Islands. Water Well Drilling Equipment With the capability to drill in any formation, set-up for remote well drilling on the Gulf Islands or other locations where traditional well drilling equipment cannot gain access, utilizing Heli-portable HT-500, HT-700 and our HT air-compressors. Also prepared to take on large drilling projects either, we're fully equipped with DR-24 Barber drills and able to drill from 6” to 22” diameter boreholes with depths of more than 1,000'. With engineered and innovative well drilling equipment available to meet all well drilling requirements we have the ability to conduct very specialized drilling projects including local Geotech Drilling requirements. Water Well Services for the Gulf Islands We've made it convenient for all Gulf Island property owners to use our One-Stop-Shop water well programs, we're experts at managing new water well projects from ground-to-tap including well pump installations and water-system construction, request an online estimate for and details for our well drilling packages. Complete water well systems eliminates the often stressful & pricey well drilling issue that often arise by using multiple contractors who often may not communicate or work together for the benefit of an island property owner. Request the current cost to drill a well on Pender Islands, Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island or Salt Spring Island. We provide detailed online estimates quickly! Gulf Islands Well Drilling Call: 778-655-8529 Visit: www.GulfIslandsWellDrilling.com |
Water Well Development

Water Well Efficiency on the Gulf Islands
With any well drilling method on the Gulf Islands, the permeability of the formation around the bore-hole is reduced.
For example, with the cable tool method, compaction and clay smearing occurs.
With the wet rotary-drilling method, fluid infiltrates the aquifer and when reverse circulation is used, water that is loaded-down with fines can often obstruct the formation as a vacuum effect occurs around the well drilling-bit.
Water Well Development
Water well development is demanding and critical for premium quality water well construction to maximize the efficiency of a drilled well by rehabilitating the aquifer after the disruption of the drilling process.
Fine-particles surrounding a well screen must be removed from the area to increase the permeability of the aquifer, with the use-of-air and our unique surge methods Gulf Island Well Drilling can enhance the local water well development procedures!
Water Well Screen Design & Selection
We understand the significance of well-screen design, careful selection of a well-screen is, without doubt, the most important consideration when constructing an efficient water well! A properly selected well-screen is designed to serve two basic purposes: to allow the unobstructed entry of clean water free from sediment into the well, and to permit a maximum flow to the formation for water well development procedures.
Please take a copy of our Well Drilling Guide and request an online well drilling quote today!
Well Drilling Gulf Islands
Call: 778-655-8529
Website: www.GulfIslandsWellDrilling.com
With any well drilling method on the Gulf Islands, the permeability of the formation around the bore-hole is reduced.
For example, with the cable tool method, compaction and clay smearing occurs.
With the wet rotary-drilling method, fluid infiltrates the aquifer and when reverse circulation is used, water that is loaded-down with fines can often obstruct the formation as a vacuum effect occurs around the well drilling-bit.
Water Well Development
Water well development is demanding and critical for premium quality water well construction to maximize the efficiency of a drilled well by rehabilitating the aquifer after the disruption of the drilling process.
Fine-particles surrounding a well screen must be removed from the area to increase the permeability of the aquifer, with the use-of-air and our unique surge methods Gulf Island Well Drilling can enhance the local water well development procedures!
Water Well Screen Design & Selection
We understand the significance of well-screen design, careful selection of a well-screen is, without doubt, the most important consideration when constructing an efficient water well! A properly selected well-screen is designed to serve two basic purposes: to allow the unobstructed entry of clean water free from sediment into the well, and to permit a maximum flow to the formation for water well development procedures.
Please take a copy of our Well Drilling Guide and request an online well drilling quote today!
Well Drilling Gulf Islands
Call: 778-655-8529
Website: www.GulfIslandsWellDrilling.com
Search WELLS Database BC
British Columbia Ministry of Environment
WELLS Database Gulf Islands
WELLS Database Gulf Islands

Water Well Regulations Gulf Islands
BC Ministry of Environment WELLS Database Gulf Islands including Pender Islands, Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island and Salt Spring Island.
The WELLS Database and well drilling regulations for the BC Gulf Islands is often updated and operated by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment.
The provincial government's iMapBC is an important online portal to a wealth of open government data for the Gulf Islands.
An important island resource, WELLS Database is a self serve online-system, free of charge and available for public use, if you require help please contact our office.
Along with the British Columbia Water Well Regulations, Resources and the Gulf Islands water well Search Tool, you'll find the provincial land-use requirements, setbacks, VIHA Southern Gulf Islands, BC Water Rights Database and other pertinent water information and regulations with reports to download and other important website links.
Gulf Islands Well Drilling provides BC Well Drilling Regulations, Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines and the official WELLS Database Water Resource Library.
Gulf Islands Wells Database
BC Ministry of Environment WELLS Database Gulf Islands including Pender Islands, Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, Hornby Island, Mayne Island, Saturna Island and Salt Spring Island.
The WELLS Database and well drilling regulations for the BC Gulf Islands is often updated and operated by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment.
The provincial government's iMapBC is an important online portal to a wealth of open government data for the Gulf Islands.
An important island resource, WELLS Database is a self serve online-system, free of charge and available for public use, if you require help please contact our office.
Along with the British Columbia Water Well Regulations, Resources and the Gulf Islands water well Search Tool, you'll find the provincial land-use requirements, setbacks, VIHA Southern Gulf Islands, BC Water Rights Database and other pertinent water information and regulations with reports to download and other important website links.
Gulf Islands Well Drilling provides BC Well Drilling Regulations, Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines and the official WELLS Database Water Resource Library.
Gulf Islands Wells Database
British Columbia Ministry of Environment Regulations
Water Well Setback Regulations for the Gulf Islands
New Water Wells on the Gulf Islands Should Not Be:
1) Within a horizontal distance of 3 m (10') of an existing building.
2) Within a horizontal distance of 30 m (100') of any probable source of contamination or point of waste discharge to the ground, such as a privy vault, cesspool, septic effluent field, manure heap, stable or pig sty; or
3) Within a horizontal distance of 120 m (400') of any cemetery or dumping ground.
Not all Gulf Island water wells are deep drilled wells, in fact many wells are less than 200' in depth. If a well is located near a potential source of contamination it's vulnerable and could easily become contaminated with the possibly of serious illness or in extreme cases even death.
British Columbia Water Well Regulations and the Ministry of Environment set-backs for water wells on the Gulf Islands are required to protect water resources from becoming contaminated from a multitude of possible sources.
To understand comparable well drilling depths on the Gulf Islands, it's best to locate the Ministry of Environment water well resources to locate the local well drilling reports, resources are available at the Water Well Search BC or the BC Water Resources Atlas.
Possible sources of well contamination include waste discharge to the ground, such as privy vaults (also known as an outhouse or pit toilet), cesspool (“overflow” pits), underground storage tanks, septic tanks an effluent field, stable or pig sty, manure heap, fertilizers and pesticides, runoff from urban areas, even a cemetery or landfill sites.
All Gulf Island water wells should be located on higher ground when possible to protect the well head from normal or seasonal flooding and possible surface drainage.
Either a shallow dug well or a deep drilled well can become vulnerable and should always be located away from surface drainage ditches and other potential sources of contamination.
Southern Gulf Islands Well Drilling Requirements - Bylaws - Regulations - Government
Private Well Users on the Gulf Islands
Gulf Islands - Private Water Wells
The Gulf Islands have necessary procedures in place for community water systems. Private water wells, however, are outside local jurisdiction & are the responsibility of the BC Ministry of Environment.
In 2016, the Water Sustainability Act came into effect in British Columbia to enable better management of groundwater resources within the Province including all Gulf Island Water Wells.
Islands Trust for Southern Gulf Islands
Islands Trust Federation
Water Well Drilling Salt Spring Island
MOE Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Salt Spring Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Water Well Drilling North Pender Islands
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Pender Islands North - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Water Well Drilling South Pender Islands
MOE Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Pender Islands South - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Gabriola Island Well Drilling
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Gabriola Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Well Drilling Galiano Island
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Galiano Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Hornby Island Water Well Drilling
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Hornby Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Mayne Island Well Drilling
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Mayne Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Well Drilling Saturna Island
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Saturna Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Gulf Islands Health Authority VIHA
Vancouver Island Health Authority for the Southern Gulf Islands
Local Water Well Education
Water Well Pros Broadcast
Water Well Setback Regulations for the Gulf Islands
New Water Wells on the Gulf Islands Should Not Be:
1) Within a horizontal distance of 3 m (10') of an existing building.
2) Within a horizontal distance of 30 m (100') of any probable source of contamination or point of waste discharge to the ground, such as a privy vault, cesspool, septic effluent field, manure heap, stable or pig sty; or
3) Within a horizontal distance of 120 m (400') of any cemetery or dumping ground.
Not all Gulf Island water wells are deep drilled wells, in fact many wells are less than 200' in depth. If a well is located near a potential source of contamination it's vulnerable and could easily become contaminated with the possibly of serious illness or in extreme cases even death.
British Columbia Water Well Regulations and the Ministry of Environment set-backs for water wells on the Gulf Islands are required to protect water resources from becoming contaminated from a multitude of possible sources.
To understand comparable well drilling depths on the Gulf Islands, it's best to locate the Ministry of Environment water well resources to locate the local well drilling reports, resources are available at the Water Well Search BC or the BC Water Resources Atlas.
Possible sources of well contamination include waste discharge to the ground, such as privy vaults (also known as an outhouse or pit toilet), cesspool (“overflow” pits), underground storage tanks, septic tanks an effluent field, stable or pig sty, manure heap, fertilizers and pesticides, runoff from urban areas, even a cemetery or landfill sites.
All Gulf Island water wells should be located on higher ground when possible to protect the well head from normal or seasonal flooding and possible surface drainage.
Either a shallow dug well or a deep drilled well can become vulnerable and should always be located away from surface drainage ditches and other potential sources of contamination.
Southern Gulf Islands Well Drilling Requirements - Bylaws - Regulations - Government
Private Well Users on the Gulf Islands
Gulf Islands - Private Water Wells
The Gulf Islands have necessary procedures in place for community water systems. Private water wells, however, are outside local jurisdiction & are the responsibility of the BC Ministry of Environment.
In 2016, the Water Sustainability Act came into effect in British Columbia to enable better management of groundwater resources within the Province including all Gulf Island Water Wells.
Islands Trust for Southern Gulf Islands
Islands Trust Federation
Water Well Drilling Salt Spring Island
MOE Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Salt Spring Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Water Well Drilling North Pender Islands
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Pender Islands North - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Water Well Drilling South Pender Islands
MOE Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Pender Islands South - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Gabriola Island Well Drilling
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Gabriola Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Well Drilling Galiano Island
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Galiano Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Hornby Island Water Well Drilling
BC Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Hornby Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Mayne Island Well Drilling
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Mayne Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Well Drilling Saturna Island
Water Well Regulations - Well Drilling Saturna Island - Environment Groundwater & Bylaws
Gulf Islands Health Authority VIHA
Vancouver Island Health Authority for the Southern Gulf Islands
Local Water Well Education
Water Well Pros Broadcast
SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA; Pender Islands | Gabriola Island | Galiano Island | Hornby Island | Mayne Island | Saturna Island | Salt Spring Island
Gulf Islands Water Well Services & Repairs
Phone: 778-655-8529
Visit Our Website: www.GulfIslandsWellDrilling.com
SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA; Pender Islands | Gabriola Island | Galiano Island | Hornby Island | Mayne Island | Saturna Island | Salt Spring Island
Gulf Islands Water Well Services & Repairs
Phone: 778-655-8529
Visit Our Website: www.GulfIslandsWellDrilling.com
VANCOUVER ISLAND WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA: Brentwood Bay | Campbell River | Courtenay | Cedar | Cobble Hill | Colwood | Coombs | Cowichan Valley | Crofton | Duncan | Errington | Ladysmith | Langford | Nanaimo | Nanoose Bay | Parksville | Qualicum Beach | Port Alberni | Saanich Area | Sooke | Shawnigan Lake | Victoria | Westwold | Yellow Point
Well Drilling Vancouver Island
Phone: 778-655-8529
Website: www.VancouverIslandWellDrilling.com
VANCOUVER ISLAND WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA: Brentwood Bay | Campbell River | Courtenay | Cedar | Cobble Hill | Colwood | Coombs | Cowichan Valley | Crofton | Duncan | Errington | Ladysmith | Langford | Nanaimo | Nanoose Bay | Parksville | Qualicum Beach | Port Alberni | Saanich Area | Sooke | Shawnigan Lake | Victoria | Westwold | Yellow Point
Well Drilling Vancouver Island
Phone: 778-655-8529
Website: www.VancouverIslandWellDrilling.com
FRASER VALLEY WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA: Abbotsford | Chilliwack | Yarrow | Sardis | Clearbrook | Harrison Lake | Hope | Ladner | Langley | Fort Langley | Aldergrove | Cloverdale | Maple Ridge | Whonnock | Ruskin | Pitt Meadows | Mission | Dewdney Area | Coquitlam | Burnaby | Surrey | Tsawwassen | White Rock | Squamish | Whistler | Pemberton
Fraser Valley Well Drilling
Phone: 604-670-3033
Website: www.FraserValleyWellDrilling.com
FRASER VALLEY WELL DRILLING SERVICE AREA: Abbotsford | Chilliwack | Yarrow | Sardis | Clearbrook | Harrison Lake | Hope | Ladner | Langley | Fort Langley | Aldergrove | Cloverdale | Maple Ridge | Whonnock | Ruskin | Pitt Meadows | Mission | Dewdney Area | Coquitlam | Burnaby | Surrey | Tsawwassen | White Rock | Squamish | Whistler | Pemberton
Fraser Valley Well Drilling
Phone: 604-670-3033
Website: www.FraserValleyWellDrilling.com